Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions


Scientific Programme:

The scope of the TAN’11 Conference includes the traditional topics in the field of transactinide science, covering both physical and chemical research:
  • Physics experiments – synthesis and properties
  • Spectroscopy
  • Nuclear physics theory
  • Experimental chemical studies
  • Theory on chemical properties of the transactinides.

The conference will include plenary sessions, which will consist of invited talks and oral contributions. Participants wishing to present their work should submit a 1 page abstract (17 cm x 25.5 cm) of their talk. By the beginning of the Conference a Booklet of Abstracts, consisting of all abstracts submitted to the Organizing Committee by April 20, 2011, will be printed. The Booklet will be distributed to all participants during the conference registration. The abstracts should be completely ready for direct reproduction and submitted by electronic mail to the TAN'11 Organizing committee (tan2011@jinr.ru).

The oral presentations will be selected among the applications. The accepted contributors will be notified by the end of May 2011. A poster session is also planned.
In addition, we plan to organize a so-called „directors“ session, where leading scientists will speak about their vision on the future of transactinide science.
The conference programme will also include a session dedicated to the 100th anniversary of awarding the Nobel Prize for chemistry to Maria Sklodowska-Curie.

Invited speakers

  • Ch. Duellmann, University of Mainz, Germany
    Superheavy element research at GSI
  • Robert Eichler, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
    First foot prints of chemistry on the shore of The Island of SHE
  • Walter Greiner, FIAS, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg, University of Liverpool, Great Britain
    Spectroscopy of very heavy nuclei
  • Sigurd Hofmann, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
    Physics experiments on superheavy elements at the GSI SHIP
  • Jens Volker Kratz, University of Mainz, Germany
    The Impact of Superheavy Elements on the Chemical and Physical Sciences
  • Helene Langevin, IPN Orsay, France
    Maria Curie talk *****
  • Yuichiro Nagame, JAERI, Japan
    Liquid Phase Experiments with the Heaviest Elements
  • Yuri Oganessian, FLNR Dubna
    Superheavy elements in Dubna
  • Valeria Pershina, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
    Recent achievements in the electronic structure studies on the heaviest elements
  • Paul-Gerhard Reinhard, University of Erlangen, Germany
    The predictions from self-consistent mean field models for super-heavy elements
  • Adam Sobiczewski, Warsaw University, Poland
    Properties of superheavy nuclei
  • Friedrich-K. Thielemann, University of Basel, Switzerland

*****     title not confirmed

Speakers of the directors' session

  • Sidney Gales, GANIL, France
  • Mikhail Itkis, JINR, Dubna
  • Kosuke Morita, RIKEN, Japan
  • Horst Stoecker, GSI Darmstadt, Germany
  • Qin Zhi, Institute of Modern Physics, P.R. Of China

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