Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions



Please, address all the mail and questions concerning:

Scientific programme, publications, etc. to:

Visas to:

Prof. Sergey Dmitriev or Dr. Rumiana Kalpakchieva
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Fax: (7 49621) 28933
Tel.: (7 49621) 65858 or 64857
E-mail: tan2011@jinr.ru

Ms. Natalia Dokalenko
International Department of JINR
Fax: (7 49621) 65891
Tel.: (7 49621) 65011
E-mail: doknatasha@jinr.ru

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia

©  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research TAN  2011 Tel: (+7 49621) 65858, 64857
Fax: (+7 49621) 28933           
E-mail:  tan2011@jinr.ru
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